So What's the
I already had a keen interest in craft beers and
fine liquors and had been creating cocktails in our
home bar.
Around 2018 I became interested in smoking meats when I bought a pellet
grill and it sparked a latent talent- I could cook
up some good grilling!
I started watching cooking shows and internet tips
and tricks and my pit master talents grew
exponentially with each recipe.
Then my wife bought me a home whiskey making kit
during the holidays in 2019 and it sat until
February of 2020. That's when I decided to come
up with a recipe which became my signature brew- Irish Breakfast Whiskey.
Well, you all know what happened next.
Being unable to go out during the pandemic we were
doing more at home. When the whiskey came out of the
barrel it was amazing. This really launched my
culinary adventure. I started sharing my creations
with friends, family, and coworkers and people were
just blown away.
To date I have nine different home brews, five
sauces, and so many food and drink recipes that a
forthcoming cookbook is being created.
Join me on this tasteful adventure!